Facilitar procesos de debate e iniciativas tendientes a mejorar la gobernanza y promover el enfoque de la Ciudadanía Humanista para la construcción de sociedades capaces de enfrentar el Cambio Global y promover el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible.
Humanist Citizenship
"Exercise citizen rights with sensitivity and empathy towards minorities and vulnerable groups, be promoters of dialogue and respect for diversity and be aware and proactive of the challenges of Global Change, for the development of more Equitable and Solidarity Societies."
Fabián Román – Presidente de Fundación Plan21

Global change
It is the set of large-scale changes and transformations resulting from anthropogenic activities that affect our planet. It includes Climate Change, loss of Biodiversity, Desertification, Change in Land Use, Land and Marine Pollution, etc.
"Buen Vivir" (Good living)
The concept of Good Living or Living Well comes from the indigenous words Sumak Kawsay (in Quechua) - Suma Qamaña (in Aymara), which really speak of the Full Life, in fullness, in harmony and balance with nature and in community, so it is also called the Good Coexistence. https://filosofiadelbuenvivir.com/buen-vivir-2/

"In Plan21 Foundation we think that this time of Global Change requires more dialogue, more sensitivity, more empathy, and that is why we believe that it is worth rethinking the concept of Citizenship so that it is more humanistic, that each one is a factor of change sharing some agreements basic principles that should support the construction of more inclusive democracies and more equitable and supportive societies. That is why we started this campaign I want a better government and a better society, to spread the idea of Humanist Citizenship. We ask for your signature to recognize us in diversity, and we await your comments to improve this initial decalogue and make it visible to the entire Society. We suggest you sign this petition and if you feel like it, spread this image on social networks ”. Fabián Román, President of Fundación Plan21
Fabián Román - President of Fundación Plan21

Mejor Gobierno, Mejor Sociedad y más Ciudadanía Humanista – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Quiero para Argentina
- Una democracia más inclusiva
- Un sistema político decente
- Un Estado laico
- Igualdad y equidad de género
- Que nos subleve la pobreza y que la distribución de riqueza sea menos obscena
- Una revolución educativa para la Libertad, la construcción de Ciudadanía Humanista y la multiplicación de oportunidades para el Buen Vivir
- Que se fomente el pensamiento estratégico y la iniciativa para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible
- Que seamos respetuosos y empáticos con los demás, sin discriminación alguna
- Más sensibilidad y aceptación de la diversidad
- Compromiso total para hacer frente al Cambio Global
**your signature**
Por una Sociedad Diversa, Inclusiva, Solidaria y Sensible a la Vida en la Tierra.